Renovation Work

"The details are not the details. They make the design."

Our Specialization

Renovation Work

“Just say the lines and don't trip over the furniture.”.

From bathrooms and kitchens to basements, additions, and complete custom home building, no project is too large or too complex for Globes Construction & Architect's team. Regardless of its size or scope, we deliver on our unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

In addition to our design and build services, the RepairAdda team will manage your project from start to finish. We assign an experienced Service provider / Interior designer to manage the design and construction of each project no matter its scope & ensuring the same level of quality through every step of the process.


Though it may be tempting to tackle certain home renovations on your own, doing so can end up costing you more and taking longer than initially anticipated. Why struggle when our seasoned team of home renovation experts can complete your project in a timely, cost-effective fashion? At Globes Construction & Architect we put our full attention into every job we undertake, no matter the size or scope. And because we value your business, we pledge to leave your home neat and tidy once our work is done. Help is now available on an simple yet intelligent online platform. Just make a few taps and you can book an appointment with a professional to fix it for you. You can even schedule appointment online or just make a call!




